We all were sea-swallow’d, though some cast again,
And by that destiny to perform an act
Whereof what’s past is prologue, what to come
In yours and my discharge.
The Tempest, William Shakespeare

I retired in 2023 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison after more than 40 years of academic success in stats and data science 1. My next direction will be an inspired mix of personal interests and intellectual pursuits.

I continue to explore systems thinking through collaborative teams developing useful insights from data. I have led software projects, largely as packages and shiny web apps using the R language. I am curious to learn how ongoing partnerships will evolve new, and hopefully widely accessible and relevant, data-rich tools.

I have worked for decades with a biochemistry-based team on system genetics of diabetes, obesity and diet. Through a series of recent coincidences, I have become involved in environmental data science, with particular attention to the needs and creative insights coming out of Indigenous communities about data science and sovereignty. We all need to work together to address pressing challenges of climate change, and I am learning my path in this realm.

Naturally, retirement is a time to reflect on my life and upbringing. I was inspired by creative parents–my father as a doctor, scientist and humanist, and my mother as a child actress, world traveller and artist–and see that creative blend in my life and in those of my siblings.

  1. I am professor emeritus in stats and an affiliate of the DSI