Earth Data Analytics Projects

This has projects from the Earth Analytics 2024 course.

First Map

UW-Madison is located in Madison, WI. There are 40k+ students and thousands of faculty and staff, a top-rated land grant university located along the shores of Lake Mendota on ancestral lands of the Ho-Chunk Nation. Here is the campus map and below is an interactive image of the campus area.

Python code to create this map can be found in as first-map.ipynb See also R code for the same project as first-map.Rmd.

Climate Project 1

The python work is in 7_Portfolio_Post_Write_Post.ipynb. Additionally, there is an Rmarkdown version in Climate_1.Rmd with rendering below.

Species Distribution Project

The python work is in

The former (Sandhill Crane) was the original work. My maps are quite similar to those of Nolan Welsh, where he gives an excellent account of this elegent, big bird commonly found across North America. My Sandhill Crane migration map is below

I live within an hour of the International Crane Foundation (ICF) located in Baraboo, WI. The executive director is a friend and neighbor here in Madison. Roughly 50 years ago, I had a Watson Fellowship, which enabled me to travel the world for a year. I spent the second half of my year in the Indian subcontinent. While in India, I met Paul Spitzer and Ron Sauey at the Keoladeo Ghana National Park and Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. Ron was the co-founder of ICF with George Archibald. I later traveled with Paul for several months to Nepal and Ladakh to observe birds, hoping to see the Black-necked Crane of Tibet (alas, no sighting, but we were at its winter feeding grounds). While at Bharapbur, I saw several species of cranes, including the rare Siberian Crane. I got to watch the 63 birds leave there to migrate north to China or Russia. That got me curious to view their current (2023) migration, which is seen below. I learned that the Siberian Crane no longer migrates to India. Rather, the remainining western populations is a pair in Iran (see story). You can see in the map below the presence in Iran in January and February, 2023.

I decided to retool the Python code to examine this crane over years, rather than months in one year. You can see that the Siberian Crane was present in India through 2002, but not beyond. Note also presence in Iran in 2004 and 2011 onward. [The presence in the Great Lakes Region of the US is no doubt sighting at the ICF.]

The retooling of the Python code for Siberian crane involved a few changes

I did not keep a separate file or workflow for the siberian monthly records over 2023, but it would be essentially the same as that for the Sandhill Crane.

Redlining Project

The focus city of my redlining project is Madison, WI. The goal of my project was to learn how to build a landmapy Python package. This package is used in the Jupyter notebook madison.ipynb to complete the assignment. I have not added much context to the report, as my time was consumed with building the package. Below is the result of decision tree prediction sandwiched between the mean NDVI and redlining grades images:

The model fit is clearly not very good, particularly for the high (A) grade sections. This is in part due to the minute area of Madison, as noted by others working on small cities, plus some cloud cover and other distortions and the presence of five lakes.

In addition to this project, I earlier (for the 2024 ESIIL Pre-Summit Sessions) developed an R package, geospatial, which has a Shiny app redlineApp().

Habitat Project

The habitat project is a work in progress being developed in these areas:

This section will include the following:

Some features I would like to add in the future: